Coney Island Newbie

Wonder Wheel

Wonder Wheel

I finally did it! Going to Coney Island has been on my NYC to-do list for over 4 years now and I have no idea what was stopping me from going. Getting to the famous boardwalk was a scenic 15 minute drive along the water.

First stop, Nathan’s Famous. I have intentionally never had a hotdog from any of the other nationwide locations because I wanted the real-deal-Coney-dog. Walt had one too, knocking off a major New Yorker bucket list item at the age of one. To be honest, it was good, but not good enough to eat 69 in one sitting. Thinking of the contest made me a little squeamish at the time. Crinkle fries got me through.

First stop.

First stop.

Then we walked the boardwalk and and found one of those magical sidewalk fountains. There was a group of kids running around like crazy, guessing where the water would shoot up from next, and getting completely soaked. Walt at 18 months showed no fear and charged right in to hang with the big kids. We hung there until everyone had their fill, then headed to the theme park to check out the old rides.


so much excitement

so much excitement

Walt hanging with the cool kids.

Walt hanging with the cool kids.

couldn't ask for better summer roomies

couldn’t ask for better summer roomies

Tyler came along for the ride.

Tyler came along for the ride too:)

I think the best park of Luna Park is the vintage signage, themed and packed with style. The rides are all set close together- seeming like they are going to all run into each other. Competing music is playing from each section of the park, and the people watching is  top notch. Sensory overload, but amazing.


Vintage Signage <3

Vintage Signage ❤




Creepy but cool

Creepy but cool


HIGHLIGHT of the trip was going to see Zoltar from the movie Big (with Tom Hanks). So glad I got my picture with him.

Z to the OLTAR

Z to the OLTAR


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